A Group Coaching Experience for Pastors
Why the title Water Walkers?
Pastors who are walking in harmony and want to stay there and those who are feeling overwhelmed, out of balance and want to get level again.
I have a passion to see pastors walking on water eyes focused on Christ! Too many pastors are struggling to keep their heads above water, their lungs stinging with the salt water of human brokenness and relational messiness, they can’t find anyone to throw them a life preserver; this group is that life preserver!
The pastor will walk away with a stronger spiritual walk, better self-awareness, healthier view of marriage, parenting and friendships as well as more tools for ministering to the lost without being pulled under the waves. Most importantly, the pastor will feel more support and confidence in his call.
Providing a safe, confidential, non-judgmental, non-competitive, online, closed group which will meet twice a month for 75 minutes over a four month period. The group will be small enough for all to participate and build healthy connections; 5 – 10. An option for individual coaching sessions is also available.
Interested please email or call me at tonyawaechtercoaching@gmail.com or 916-955-0798